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bro i dont even know how to open the game :(

Do you have any software to extract the game's .exe ?
I personally use 7Zip (for Windows), so the steps with it would be :
1. Download the game, the download buttons are just above the comments section
2. Right click on the .zip that you just downloaded
3. Mouse over 7-zip, then "Extract to TWaHA"
4. Once done, double click the new file. It has the same name than the previous file that you downloaded, except it's not a .zip anymore
5. Double click "TWaHA.exe" and you should be able to play it ~

Hope it helped ✦

oml i love this game!! i found it agess ago on steam, but couldnt figure out how to make it work ;-; I found it here tho, and figured it out, its so cute!! the soundtrack is amazing and the artstyle is 10/10, a pretty good storyline aswell! <3 

Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot for me !❤
Also glad you were able to make it works (> O <)


Please tell me there's going to be season 2 or a sequel I beg you I loved this work I need a sequel or a new game with the same theme I loved your work on this game I cried I laughed I played it 10 times Thank you so much for creating I'm brazilian this game and I'll be following your future work!!!!


Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and kind words !❤
I am planning a remake which might be considered like a sequel I think, since there will be more content + a childhood arc ~
A Fujiwara 2 is also planned, but this time with Ikki's sister as the MC several years later when she is adult (in her 20's). Hopefully I'll be able to make the two of it, but it will take a long time (> w <)/
Until then...thank you again for your support and loving the game !✦

I know i'm asking a lot of questions and i apologize about that but i was looking through the game files and was wondering are there bonus images?

It's okay, you can ask as much questions as you want ~
There is no bonus images, but some artworks are "exclusive" to the Friend's route or the Sweet's route, so you might miss some of them if you aren't playing both routes. But you still can see them in the game's file like you did (> w <)/

Kay thanks again

(1 edit)

Is there options to be just friends with all of them or just Haru? i was curious about if there were multiple endings for all characters btw i only did one of the routes so far (Ikki) and i loved the story!


Yes, you can stay only friends in all of the routes ~
I think you might have noticed, but depending on your answer when the choices are presented during the first half of the chosen route, you got either a yellow heart or a heart with a color related to the character's route (eg : blue heart for Ikki, red heart for Toshio, etc). If you want to stay friends with the character and don't want to go the romantic way, you'll have to gather more yellow hearts than other coloured ones. And if you want the romantic path, then you'll need to gather more of the other coloured hearts (^ O^)/
Unfortunately, there is only two endings (the Friend ending and the Sweet ending) for each characters, which is I admit not a lot (and the story itself is pretty linear as well)...
The Friend ending is the one where you only stay friend and has really slight differences with the Sweet ending, while the Sweet ending is the continuity of the Friend ending with a bit more details on the characters backstories and a small romantic aspect + cute moments between the MC and the LI ✦

That said, thank you so much for loving Ikki's story so far ! It really makes me happy and I hope you will like the other ones too ❤

Okay thank you for answering my question and no problem about playing the game cause i already like it a lot, i also just did Toshio's friend route and ive started on Yuta's route about halfway or so and it's just great how you made the stories overall. i can already tell i'm gonna like the other routes as well :D

Hi! I really like your game and its soundtrack, and I would like to upload the ending theme of this game to my youtube channel. May I have your permission? If you grant me permission to do so, I will definitely add a link to your official twitter page and your youtube channel URL as well as the name of the game in the description box. And it is just for entertainment purposes, I don't monetize my videos. Thank you very much ^^

Hello, thank you for loving it ! ✦
I was actually thinking of uploading a few more songs -when I have time- that I completely forgot to add in the first place so you (or other people) don't have to upload them. Technically, you don't have to upload it since I'll add it as soon as possible, but it's not prohibited either as long as you credit the game and the musician with his name and a link to his other works/twitter/website ~

I will do as you said! Thank you so much ^u^


Why is no one talking about that kenji couldve been a yandere like honestly i love this game btw


Thank you for loving the game !❤
And yes...I can totally picture Kenji being a yandere (it actually crossed my mind while writing, but didn't make him one in the end)...A "soft" yandere maybe ? Or at least really possessive/jealous/insecure boyfriend, but the kind who would never hurt MC for "her sake" ~


ayo- imma need an epilogue for everyone-

i can wait for literal years- i just need to know of its coming or not-

please im crying as im writing this-


Oh no don't cry ;-;
But if it can comfort you, I do plan to make an epilogue for each characters for when they grew up (in their 20's and more). I'm thinking of making it a DLC which would include their everyday life as couple, mature content (it's also one of the reasons I'd like to make the DLC paid), wedding for the ones who get married to Aya, and even parenthood.
It would be more short little stories to read than a whole "real" visual novel though.
I'm also planning on doing a remake that I'll try to polish a bit more after all the feedback I received on the first/current version, and also including mini stories telling their childhood.
I really can't wait to work it ! ✦ might actually really have to wait for literal years as it will take me a long time to make it (u___u)


I personally would love to see each of these DLC. I've been a fan for multiple years and truly enjoy the ending for both the love and friend routes. I really excited to continue to support the work that you're team is currently working on and the future work with Aya and the gang!!! I do have a question though. Where do you put updates on the most because I'm following on twitter and want to know if discord get the same updates. Thank you and have a lovely day!!!


Thank you for the support and kind words !♥
As for where I update the most, I'd say on twitter (and I always forget I have a tumblr account yes, definitely twitter). I update on Discord too, but I also talk a lot about the game and the characters with everyone and there is a lot more infos about things I don't mention in the game. So...I'd say twitter for the updates, but there is more lore (mostly in the #spoilers channel) in addition to the updates on Discord.
I hope it answer your question✦


I think because sometime the endings felt quite abrupt, it felt incomplete at times like there was supposed to be some big end to it all! But overall I enjoyed the routes and learning about each characters. I love when routes involve each other and you learn and explore more about the story. I low key thought we were gonna learn more about like aya getting lost in the forest or the trauma she dealt with in middle school would be dived into more like after I finished all routes or something.

There's definitely a world to explore!

Also I think my favorite was Ikki even after I played everyone's. It was the right amount of issues Ikki was going through and being there for him. 

Damn these dudes got hella issues is what I kept thinking while playing every route and it kept increasingly getting worse. 

Thanks for creating this, I enjoyed it very much.

Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed the game ! ❤
I admit there is some endings that I was not sure how to end them, but worry not ! I'm planning on adding more details + a childhood arc in the remake (hopefully I'll actually be able to do that)★
It will not be released before a long while though, so you'll need to be patient x)

(1 edit)

I just finished the game and I HAD to leave a comment here, because that was so much better than what I expected! I'm not fond of sad  or open-ended stories, so the "Bittersweet" part in the title had me worried. Sure, the scenario was heavy in emotions, but it was still SO SATISFYING! I think a big part of it is thanks to Aya's character. She's solid like a rock throughout every single route, but not in an unrealistic way. She really is my ideal MC, so the whole ride was worth it just to be able to follow her. Thank you so much for creating such a strong, cool-headed and empathetic girl, I love her.

This game really is a ride. To be honest, I had a hard time with the first two stories because I couldn't warm up to Toshio and the relationship he and Aya had. Even now he's probably my least favorite (but I still liked his route, just not as much as the others). Surprisingly, I'd say my favorite is Yuta. I didn't know what to expect from his character and he just stole my heart. 

Anyway, the only thing I wish the game had is an epilogue for each route to wrap things up even more satisfyingly. But since a remake is on the way, I can hope that will happen (either within the game or as a DLC).

Thanks again for the great time <3

PS : Je viens de m'apercevoir que le/la développeur(se) est français(e), du coup j'en profite pour te remercier une nouvelle fois :) magnifique travail, j'ai hâte de voir tes futurs projets ! (et je vais de ce pas aller installer ceux qui sont déjà sortis) 

[Merci pour ce gentil commentaire, ça me touche énormément ! Je vais répondre en anglais du coup, comme le commentaire est lui aussi en anglais ~]

Thank you so much for loving the game, it means a lot for me !
Haha yup...I think most of people don't know what to expect from Yuta or even expect something at all, but I'm glad he ended up being your favorite character !★

As for Toshio, I don't think most of people like his route even after finishing it, for several reasons (his relationship he has with Aya, or the way he evolved, or his "uncomon" way of seeing love, etc), but I actually like to see why people don't like some of the characters. Sometimes it's just personal taste, but sometimes it show me what I might have done wrong and help me think of how I can try to make it better in the remake...

Because yes, you're right ! A remake is planned ~
It will take a long while though, since I also work on the current project ("Colors of Fate") and Fujiwara 2 in the meanwhile, but Fujiwara Remake is planned to have a childhood arc in the main game (to know more about the LIs backstories and their perspective) and a paid DLC containing the everyday life of each LI + Aya (+ "spicy" content, if you know what I mean...) as grown up in their 20's. Hopefully people will like it as well O/

Until then, thank you again for your kind words. It makes me so happy and positive feedback like yours really are my strength and motivation !❤

Hi! I was wondering if there was a way to change the mc's name? My brain gets confused if I don't play an otome game with a specific name. If you don't want me to touch the files that's fine! I just really wanna play but I can't if I'm confused. THAT SEEMS RLLY MEAN BUT I SWEAR I AM JUST DUMB WITH WORDS ;(

Hello ~
Unfortunately, there is no way to change the name in-game for Fujiwara Bittersweet, though, I did another really short game where you are able to change the MC's name called "The Witch and Her Assistant" (^ O^)/
I'll think of allowing the players to change the name of the MC in future projects (except for the Fujiwara series), but I can't promise anything x)

hi I was wondering if there will be a gallery? Or if there is one?

Hello ~
I wasn't able to code it so there isn't any gallery, sorry (> w <)
Though I'm planning on doing a remake of the game in a few years and hopefully there will be a gallery this time x)

Hello! Will there be a route for the Council VP? He's super cute!


Hello hello ~
I was thinking of making an additional route in the remake and the Council's VP is one of the options I'm taking into consideration O/
I'll make a poll on twitter when the time comes (it will not be in the near future though, as I need to take care of other projects before doing the remake) to choose between several characters ★

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

This game was so much better than I expected when I started! Any chance of a sequel? I'd love to see how the characters grow over time. 


Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad it eneded up better than what you expected at first ! It means a lot for me ! ❤

As for a sequel, I do plan to do a remake which will hopefully be more refined than the first attempt and adding extras like a childhood arc for each characters, though I was thinking of making the grown-up part a paying DLC. I'm still not sure about that, so I can't tell you for sure.
A 'Fujiwara Bittersweet 2' game is also planned, and I'm thinking of making it a stats raising game with Ikki's little sister as the MC and 3~4 love interests (including Toshio's little brother) as college students, a few years later after the first game timeline.

Hopefully I'll be able to release it in the future ! ★

Awesome! I can't wait! I'll be watching for both.


I just created an account to comment on how i love this game so much !!

The soundtrack is very cute, including the art. I had a hard time choosing my most 'favourite' route because every one of them had cute and memorable moments, but Haru caught my heart pretty fast <3 hes a very cute boy

Even toshio, who i left for last (the best one is the last, you could say) had me sobbing for his backstory and Sweet End, definitely gonna keep that ring!

Overall, im glad i found this game while researching for otomes, and i  think its gonna get more content too? Cant wait to see the characters interacting again<3

That's so nice of you to create an account especially made to comment on Fujiwara ! Thank you for that and also for loving the game this much !❤
As for your favorite characters, I'm so glad you love these two as they are also my favs (they are both baby in their own cute way) (> w <)/

Talking of Haru, today is his B-Day ! Happy Birthday Hacchan🌼

As for more content in the future, yes ! Definitely ! Don't hesitate to regularly check the twitter or even drop in the Discord's channel for updates or just chatting with people ~

Thank you so much again for the kind words, it means a lot for me ★

(1 edit)





Thank you for loving Toshio's route this much, it means a lot for me !❤

He is one of the more "controversial" character alongside Haru and Ryu, so hopefully playing the other routes won't waste your experience (> O <)/
Also, the recommended order is Ikki > Toshio > Yuta > Haru > Kenji > Ryu in term of less spoilery to more spoilery. If you don't mind being spoiled both on the characters and other routes, then it's totally okay to play as you want ~

But in any case, thank you again the kind words !★


I'm ahppy you love the characters this much, thank you ! (^ O^)/❤
Baby Toshi leaves us, but he comes back a few years later eventually don't worry ★

(1 edit)

HAIII!! I JUST FOUND THIS WEBSITE AND YOU DEAR CREATOR OF THIS WONDEFUL GAME!!... I got this game from Steam just by scrolling through games to play since I was bored then I came across "Fujiwara Bittersweet", I wanted to cool off my mind that time cause I play a lot of horror games and just by seeing the cover already give me high hopes that this game has that positive and gentle vibe.. Well my hopes lower down a sec when I realize its a visual novel game- and I have no experience through Visual novels so I didnt really know what to do, I'm surprise to see myself downloading it even with no experience to this kind of games. When I opened the game, and oh boi its already a 3 stars for me when the intro appeared on my face surprising me but still watching it in amaze and awe, thou I have some silly opinions already to the characters when they are introduced. (The music is also BOMB, me and my cousin keep replaying it cause It sounds so good!!). 

When is the choosing the item (aka routes) pop up I choose the pearl bracelet (Haru's route) at first. And for me being the "first time playing visual novel person" I am. I got quite upset its not Yuta who Aya chose (i finish Haru's route that time) UNTIL I came across the community of the game to see multiple different screenshots of scenes that I didnt encounter in haru's route which I started to realize while searching and scrolling, ROUTES EXIST- yes... I just realize there's routes in the game and finally realizing its Haru's route I chose, so yeah- I actually got happy when I came across Yuta's route- :DDD, so when I learned about that I quickly got into the different routes finishing them for 2 days. How stupid am I-

This is probably my first ever favorite visual novel game that I had and makes me wanna crave more- I just love the characters, designs, art, personalities, plot, the protagonist, friend group, Aya's family, endings and the list goes on!!. I experienced cringy Y/N's story and I feared that the protagonist might be also like that which was a BIG MEGA uno reverse cause she's not letting any boys be her shield and help them with their messy up life, heck she got hurt just to earn trust and protect that person, she's fragile but confident and strong, she literally change the bad boy into a softy puppy- (haha Toshio-), she's very sweet and supportive, unlike one of those cringy Y/N's-.. The boys really gone through a lot but they still manage to live their lives (I'm not mocking Toshio btw) its really refreshing to see the problematic boys that has a messy life to have freedom. I laugh and cried to the stories (toshio's proposal, Ikki's drunk scene, Ryu's backstory, Kenji's whole family knowing her confession to him, haru supporting his mom, Yuta's flustered mess) never in my life got that so emotional over visual novel characters. I finish all routes and endings letting me have all the achievements on steam make me feel so special for once because of it and even the lessons I learned from the game. I'm looking forward to see the aftermath or part 2 of this game!

P.S I actually started to make my own story for them in my head like I was writing a fanfiction about them or smth-. also I notice that each route has some sort of like rival to each other or smth, like-

(Ikki's route): Ikki got jealous that one scene saying Toshio is getting closer to Aya-

(Toshio's Route): he got upset that it was ikki the one carried Aya to the clinic instead of him

(Yuta's route): having a love-hate relationship with Haru cause he stealing his waifu

(Haru's route): same like Yuta-

(Kenji's route): quite obvious- he's feeling jealous when Ryu is around Aya-

(Ryu route): I think he got jealous with Ikki that time when he mess up Aya's hair and Ryu straight up fixing It (but I think his rival is mostly Kenji-)

And basically:

Ikki and Toshio: childhood friends problematics and has siblings

Yuta and Haru: titled as royalties and hiding their real selves 

Kenji and Ryu: *ahem* Long lost cousin's, noodle/jacket lovers, vibrant colored hairs, mysterious abilities, both wear eyewears (glasses and eye patch)

Thank you so much for your kind words ! I'm so happy I was able to make you like visual novels and that you loved the characters so much. I'm genuinely honoured because I know how it's difficult to go over our comfort zone when it comes to games (or in general) and try new things, so...Thank you again so much for giving "Fujiwara Bittersweet" a chance and loving it, it means a lot for me ! ❤

omg the intro (the song n visuals) were so good AAAAAA!!1 i'm still stuck w ikki's route but i'll go check the other routes out (ryu best boy btw <3)


Thank you, I'm happy you liked the intro !
I'm planning on doing a remake of the game later, but I'm glad you like the current version so far !❤

hi !!! i love this game so much and i just wanna say that. i also wanted to ask if it was okay if i could make fanart or fanfiction with your characters (ofc in your fandom with crediting) ?? i'm really hyperfixated on this right now dsjgkjasdg


Hello ~
Aww thank you so much, I'm happy you liked the game this much ! ♡
And...of course, please do ! I absolutely adore when people are doing fanworks, so please go ahead ! You can share on the Discord server if you want (the link is in the game's description, you have to click Aya's chibi to access it) or tell me in comment here or the twitter if ever you can't go via Discord ~
I'm lookind forward to it, really ! ★

Thank you again for your kind words and support, it means a lot for me ! I hope you'll like the future projects as well (^ O^)/

(2 edits)

I've actually found this game through Steam, but regardless of the platform, I absolutely ADORE this game!!! It's so wholesome and the cast were too precious >< !! I ended up replaying multiple times both for the endings and just to reread out of pure enjoyment. 

And the friendship ending?? Omg, and just when I thought I couldn't love this game even more!! It really makes me happy that despite the dark experiences these characters go through, that they'll still be able to be happy with Aya at the end (and while I do enjoy some good romances here and there, as an aroace, this just sends me to the moon and back!!!)

Thank you so much for the wonderful experiences (and I saw from the other comment that you'll be doing more??? So looking forward to that!!) But either way, I love this so much and you're amazing for making thisss <3


Thank you so much for all the kind words and for your support ! It makes me happy you enjoyed the game this much ! ♡
And I'm also relieved you liked that it was possible to go the friend route instead of the romance one ~
I was a bit anxious at first going this way as I had the impression that most people would be disappointed being "friendzoned", but then realized there was also people who might actually prefer a friendship ending ! So I'm glad you are part of the people who appreciated that as well ~★
Thank you again for your kind feedback, as it put a smile on my face (^ w^)/

P.S : Also ! I just released a really tiny project made for an otome game jam ! It's really really short, but I thought you might be interested/curious about it ~
It's called "The Withch and Her Assistant" and here is the link if ever you want to take a look :

Ahhh tysm!! I’ll definitely check it out  ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

(1 edit) (+1)

aaa, i really love this game! it's very wholesome and amazing, i would recommend 11/10! i have a few minor issues about the game, but otherwise, it's amazing! i don't mean any harm writing this, i just want to give some of my opinions on the issues i have with the game.

- big spoilers ahead!!! i recommend playing the game before reading further :] -

one thing i found a bit annoying was when miura said aya was like his "goddess" at the end. i feel like aya has too much control over the relationship, because miura worshipping her as a goddess is unhealthy. i think aya should've called out miura about the whole worshipping thing. in a relationship, they should be equal, and it's unhealthy if one person has too much power. it seems like aya to miura is more like a goddess that he praises, and less of a lover.

- ♡ -

another issue i have is when haru reveals themself as a boy. haru is a boy but dresses up as a girl. later in the game, haru chooses to dress like a boy instead of a girl because they think aya will like them better. it's not a good mindset and shouldn't just be accepted right away. everyone accepts that haru changed themselves. i feel like someone should've said "hey you shouldn't change yourself for someone else", but no one really mentions it. i'm not sure if haru is a boy who likes dressing up as a girl, or transgender, and i think it should've been more clear. i think it would've been nice to promote transgender positivity in haru's route :D

- ♡ -

i found the occult stuff a little weird and out of place, but it's more of a personal preference. 

- ♡ -

other than that this game is pure gold for a free game and i love it! definitely one of my favorite visual novels ^^ 


Thank you so much for feedback and for liking the game, it means a lot for me ! ♡

- For Toshio : I'm really sorry you felt uncomfortable with this kind of relationship, but Aya does actually have the power over Toshio (> w <)
It's something I wanted to highlight to show that there is sometimes uncommon relationship (and I couln't see too much as the characters are still minors and new to their mutual feelings in the game) which is the case for Toshio and Aya.
If you noticed, Aya feel a bit uncomfortable at first because she also find it weird, but she comes to accept it and play along because she genuinely love Toshio and want to try showing it to him by going with his uncommon way of seeing love (é o è)
As for Toshio, he does like being treated this way in certain circunstances, but he also knows that Aya isn't really considering herself as superior, they both really dearly love, respect and care for each other ~

- For Haru : I did receive feedback saying the same things as you do (on Steam), and trsut me I was the first being shocked and sorry about the misunderstanding.
While writing Haru, I didn't have him in mind as a transgender character, but genuinely as a character with insecurities toward mostly two matters :
1) Becoming a toxic adult man like those he always have known since his birth
2) Being insecure about his small body for a boy his age and the fact he is androgyneous. In this regards, he does feel more comfortable dressing with girls clothes as a camouflage, not because he actually want to be a girl (he does say so himself, that he doesn't feel the need to change sex or that he doesn't especially feel like he wants to be a girl).

As for people not saying he shouldn't change for others/for Aya because Haru thought Aya would like him as a boy, even though nobody explicitely say he should change for himself, Aya does say she would have loved him no matter what or who he is.

"You know, Haru... I think I also fell in love with you at first sight. Girl, boy, or just you... Yeah, whoever you are, I fell in love with you."

har "Really? Even when you thought I was a girl?"

aya "Yes."

"He chuckles, half-embarrassed and half-amused."


Though, I'm taking into account the feedback and thank you for giving it to me !
I realized I was clumsy for Haru's route and promoted the wrong message without me realizing it and will not do the same mistake again.

Thank you again for your opinions and feedback, they are really appreciated and useful for me not to repeat it in the future ! (^ w^)/♡

ooo mk thanks for clarifying! i think i understand the characters more! i have a question though, did miura propose to aya in the end? im a lil confused about that part ^^

- ♡ -

i wish you luck on your future projects, and im interested in your new game, "colors of fate"! :D

Toshio did propose to her, but it wasn't for a wedding. More like a "promise" than anything else, a bit like "promise to stay loyal to each other" until Toshio comes back. And maybe once they are adults and reunited, they would get married ~
I hope it answer your question (> w <)

Also, thank you for looking forward to the other projects ! I hope you will like them as well (a little something I did for a otome jam is almost ready, so I think it will be released in a few days) ♡

aaa im so sorry this reply is late! thank you for clarifying, and thank you for making this amazing game :D

I totally loved playing this game. Got attached the first time I played and picked Ryu's route because I like tea (lol I sadly didn't see the suggested route order). At first, I was so confused, but it makes a lot more sense now I've been following the route guides! 

Not gonna lie, I literally cried when Ikki and Aya met each other again at the ending of the route after him avoiding her and stuff. I felt so bad for Aya. 

I love the way it's still a cute game with happy endings, even though there are some heavy topics.

And I was sad I didn't find any fanfics about this game. Well, I might have to start writing them myself then.

Very good. Loved this. Thank you so much, the fact that it's free to play makes this even more amazing! If you plan on making more games like these, I'll surely check in to try them out!

Thank you for your kind comment, I'm happy you loved the game this much (or at least, Ikki's route ! ❤

Someone from the discord server actually started to write a fanfic Takeshi (Aya's brother) x Reader ! But don't hesitate to write and share it on the discord as well if ever you feel like it : you can access the server by clicking Aya's chibi at the end of the game's page description. I'm always so happy to see fanworks (^ w ^)

As for the other games, I started working with a team on a project called Colors of Fate, but it isn't the same mood/universe as Fujiwara Bittersweet so it might not be to your taste (the demo is here on itchio, if you are curious).

Aaaand for something more fluffy with a cute style more in the Fujiwara's vein, I'm currently working on a demo which should be released at the end of the month.
Please, look forward to it ~

But in any case, thank you again for your support, it means a lot for me and I hope you'll like the future projects as well ★

(1 edit)

This is truly one of the best otomes game that I have had the pleasure of playing, and the fact that it's also free?? Outstanding! I played every 'sweet ending' route, and each one was refreshing, nothing felt repetitive. And as I played through it the way that you suggested in the description, I really got to experience the universe that you created, there are so many easter eggs and foreshadowing, it's fun to look back on and go 'ooooh, that's why x and y happened'. 

The characters are enjoyable, real and emotionally vulnerable teens learning about the world and really going through some hard shit. The protagonist wasn't cheesy or a damsel-in-distress, and I really loved Aya's friend group and the anime club! 

I burst into tears at the end of Toshio's route, he was just such an odd character and I didn't expect him to unravel the way he did in the beginning. Poor guy. My MC will definitely be keeping the ring on for six years!

Thank you for this! The music and the art is just chefs kiss and adds to the entire thing. You're awesome!


Thank you so much for all the praise and compliments, it makes me so happy !
I'm really glad you liked it this much ! Seeing people being this enthusiastic after playing makes smile, so thanks to you and your kind words because it means a lot for me ❤️

I LOVE... I LOVE.... I LOVE THIS!!! Everything!! I AM SOSOSOSOOSOSOOOSOOSOOSOSOS EXCITED for the next part!!!! (I check the game every day to see if part two is here) Your writing, the graphics, art style... It's just so.... beautiful. Thank you for this!! I  love ittt!! <33333333333333 (pss.... whos gonna start writing the headcanons?? XD)


Aww thank you for loving the game (and also Ryu !) this much ! You're giving me too much praise though, but it makes me really happy ! (> w <)
Don't hesitate to share your headcanons on the discord ~
If ever you haven't join the server yet, you can access it by clicking Aya's chibi at the bottom of the game's page (I also make announcements and sneak peeks there when I have something new to show) ★
Thank you agai for the kind comment and support, it means a lot for me ❤

all i can say is, I.FKIN.LOVE.THIS.

Thank you so much both for loving the game and for your nickname (?) (° v °)/★

(2 edits) (+1)

DISCLQIMER: I use q insteqd of a so its gonnq be messy qnd confusing! 
Qnywqys, I stqrted the gqme yesterdqy (on steqm) qnd qlreqdy hqve plqyed it for 40 hours qnd I somewhqt regret plqying the gqme qnd not becquse its bqd its becquse its so qddicting.. i thought it wqs just gonnq be q gqme thqt is q smqll distrqction but nono i wqs so wrong but in q good wqy. I cqnt let go of this gqme qnd im genuinely scqred thqt im getting too qttqched to it.

I love qll the routes qnd mostly Toshios, Ryus qnd Kenjis (the reqson why im in qbsolute love with them) but I love how eqch route is still connected like idk how to explqin it  but it feels like it doesnt chqnge qnd its just Qyq fqlling for different people each time like with others ive plqyed they dont keep it thqt much qnd the story seems to chqnge slightly but with this it fits.

I do feel extremely empty without it (i finished it qnd hqve redone routes over qnd over) im prqying thqt there will be new gqmes!! I would even try buying the dlcs! Im overly in love with this wonderful, qnd interesting gqme. 
Im so very excited for new content, I will be wqiting for new gqmes or qnything like thqt. Im extremely glqd thqt I found this gqme becquse now im finqlly distrqcted from reql life problems.

qdding more!! Hqrus route is so precious im glqd he feels himself qnd the hints- i wqs so surprised thqt i didnt cqtch on hqhq! Kenjis speciql powers qre just QHHH so interesting, yes very common for when chqrqcters hqve "dqrk" powers but you put it into the sotry so much thqt it seems like its qctuqlly different for once qnd then Ikkis smile- qnd when he wore the cqt eqrs its just.. HIM THQTS ITTT ugh- sorry pfft qnd then ryu, my precious ryu it wqs such q  chqnge but.. qhq i hqte to sqy this but he mqde me chqnge even tho ive only took his route 2-3 times.. gosh hes qdorqble qnd Toshio qt first i wqs scqred for his route qnd did it lqst but it mqde me cry qctuqlly every confession mqde me cry but especiqlly Toshios.. then Yutq my deqr Yutq he is just.. he tqught me so much in just 1-3 hours, i took his route ONCE qnd i feel different. 

 kenji: he tqught me its okqy to be different ryu: he tqught me thqt its tiring putting up q fqcqde qnd i shouldnt keep it up for qnybody ikki: he tqught me the sqme qs kenji but qlso thqt i should open up qnd not be so cqutious yutq: he tqught me qlso not to keep up q qct for others, especiqlly fqmily qnd to express whqt you love hqru: god.. she tqught me not to chqnge for others qnd ot to hide who you reqlly qre qnd well.. toshio: he tqught me to speqk up, qnd to tqke things slow qnd try not to completely rush into it.. qfter i took ryus route i cried becquse i reqlized thqt i wqs putting up q qct i wqs scqred to tqke down, but I took it down qnd sure I slightly qct like him but i feel relieved.. :]
PS: I hqve never commented on q gqme! or left q review which i did on steqm so.. heh yeqh 


Thank you so much for this long love letter, knowing that you loved the game that much means a lot for me ! ♡
As for other games, yup ! I'm planning on doing Fujiwara Revamp/Remake (with more content), a Fujiwara Fandisk (where you see the everyday life of the characters once they're grown up, basically Aya and the boys couple's life when they are adults) and Fujiwara 2 (with Ikki's sister as the protagonist, when she is Uni's student) which I hope will be more of a raising stats.
It will take a long time though to make all of that, so please bear with me until then and thank you again so much for your kind comment ! (^ O^)/★

Ill wqit qs long qs it tqkes, thqnk you for responding! <3



Thank you for loving the game this much, it means a lot for me ! ❤️
Yes, other games in the Fujiwara series are planned such as a revamp of the first one (the current one) with updated graphics/a few changes on certains routes/fixes/extras like a CGs gallery and the characters childhood memories (and potentially non-free DLC for additional routes, but I'm still not sure about it) ~
The other games planned are Fujiwara Bittersweet 2 that I hope will be more on the stat raising side, and a fandisc on the current Fujiwara covering moments in the character's everyday life as adults.
It will take some time to put together each games, but I hope you will enjoy them as much as the first one when they will be released (^ O^)/☆

i'll definetly buy any dlcs or fandisks you add, this game is wonderful and definetly deserves it! :D

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Don't worry don't worry, I love your ramblings ! (> w <)
I'm so happy you liked the game this much, thank you again for the kind words and feedback ! (^ O^)/♡
P.S : And don't worry, I like seeing people imagining things and creating headcanon stories about them (though, the fact he loves Aya even in the other routes might be right... huhuhu...) ~

awesome it was super wholesome and cute and the first time i played i got kenjis route!!!!! 

Thank you, happy you loved it ! (^ w ^)/♡

ahh i love this game wayyy too much!! i believe i've commented before when i only tried haru's route but now i finished it (but i still replay it >w<).  i love ikki sm, i'm glad he ends up being happy and.. HIS SMILE IS SO PURE! i also love yuta and ryuuu. just a suggestion that you can totally ignore, but i think it'd be nice if you could put your own name or gender haha. BUT EITHER WAY, i love this game sm; great comfort game.

Thank you again for the kind words, I'm happy you (still) love the game this much!
Yup, must protecc Ikki and his smile x)
For your suggestion on the Fujiwara series, I don't plan to have an option to change your name or gender as I want the MCs to have a specific name/personality definied, BUT ! I'll totally keep that in mind for future projects ~
Thank you again for loving the game and you kind comment ! ♡

This is my comfort game, I always come back when I want to feel a little love

Then I'll come back to your comment when I feel a little sad (^ w ^)/
I'm happy Fujiwara is able to give you some love ♡

I really loved this Game! Everyone is just cute! :D *Spoiler* And I it's really fun when something unexpected happens like I was really shocked when we found out about Yuta's secret or when it was revealed that Ryu's personality was fake. And it was also fun when things that were hinted in other routes are revealed like Haru being male or Ichigo and her bf even though we didn't see them together in Toshio's route. I love Ryu! I was kinda disappointed when we found out that the energetic one was fake cus I was looking forward to Ryu, who calls Aya cutie but nevertheless I still love him. I was looking forward to Ryu smiling or blushing.

Thank you for the kind words, I'm happy you liked the game !
I admit flustered Ryu might have been really cute (> w <)

The game is so good that I've played all routes in one day lol :)) Heard the 2nd is coming so I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you for the amazing experience devs :3 This is definitely one of my most favourite games ever.

Thank you so much for loving the game (hope you took some rest and breaks though), it means al ot for me as I put my heart in it ♡
Fujiwara 2 is planned, but you'l have to be patient since it will take a while to make it (> w <)
Thank you again for the kind comment and I hope you'll love the next project(s) as well ~

(1 edit)

hihi! i was wondering if there would be a second game or something like that because i really love this game. not only that, i got emotionally attached to haru, i literally love him with all my heart. i love the cute aya x them cut scenes. thank you!


Hello and thank you for loving Haru (and the game itself)! ❤
I am thinking of doing another game, smaller and focus on Aya x the characters in their everyday life once they are grown up (in their early 20's), but it's not the priority right now (I'd like to make a more polished remake and a Fujiwara 2 before) (é o è)
I really hope I'll be able to do it someday though ! ☆

ah, okay! sounds amazing and thank you for the reply. <3


i love this game so much!! it's honestly my favorite right now; it has everything i like in a game :D i love how dark it can get and then how sweet it can get as well, you get the best of both worlds! i love toshio's route ^_^


Thank you for your kind words and I'm happy you love the game !
I'm also glad you liked the contrast between the darker and lighter sides of the stories (and also for loving Toshio's route) ! (^ o^)/♡

This is such a cute and sweet game! and much longer than I anticipated, the friend routes were so different to the romantic ones I'm impressed.

Spoilers from here on out!!

My favorite character had to be Yuta, which is surprising because I'm really not a fan of the prince archtype but the way his route went was a complete 180 from what I expected. I mean of course there was going to be more to him, prince types typically do have a secret, but I was just not expecting it to go that way. 

I'm gonna be honest I think the boobs shirt really did it for me, I thought it was just going show up once but he just kept wearing it in every scene it was just so fucking funny every time, especially since the characters themselves actually kept bringing it up. Never thought I'd appreciate a sexualized shirt but here I am. Other than that I really appreciated his personality, seemed the most chill and like someone you'd actually meet irl. I'd see myself befriending him for real, which is rare because even if I like a character often I feel like if I ever actually met them I'd be kind of creeped out.

Anyway I'm rambling, great game!! 

Thank you for the kind comment, I'm happy you liked the game ! ♡
I'm glad your favorite is Yuta, because for what I saw, people don't really care about him (poor baby). And yes, his shirt... (> w <)

Thank you again for the kind words, and I hope you will like the futur projects as well (^ O^)/

I just got the two endings for Ryu's route and ahhhh I was very reluctant to start a new route after getting so invested and attached to him. Honestly, I was surprised on how DIFFERENT the friend and sweet routes were from each other? It was like playing a new game in itself with the extra scenes and alternate events to what was in the friend route. 

I don't want to spoil anything, but Ryu's route was so strong as a start so now I'm wondering if it might've been for the best to leave his last (but now I'm just too attached so not being able to stick with him in other routes is making me lonely ahah). 

This was such an amazing game! Thank you so much for making it. I hope to see more in the future and I will continue supporting from this point on!

Happy you are loving Ryu this much !
Haha I know this feeling of not wanted to play the other routes because you already have a best boi and honestly, I won't blame yu if you don't play the other routes (I do that sometime too, sticking to one character because I love him so much) (> w <)
As for future projects I do plan to have a Remake and a Fujiwara 2, Hopefully I'll be able to make them *crossing fingers*
Thank you again for the kind words and support ! ❤


My lord, this was so good. For real, I have no words.

I absolutely loved all the routes, but especially Ikki's and Ryuu's.

First of all, I expected Ikki's route to be completely different from what it actually was. Turn's out he's a big softie. Don't even get me started on his sister. For real, she's an angel and super cute. Honestly, his route kinda made me want to cry. I'm too emotional.

Overall, Ikki's route was pure cuteness and wholesomeness. 

Unto Ryuu's route. 

Like, Ikki's, this route was way different then what I had expected. THE PINK, BUBBLY RYUU IS ACTUALLY SO DEPRESSED, IT KINDA HURTS. What hurt me even more was the fact that I could kinda relate to his constant sadness. I had expected his route to be all bubbly and happy but it took a turn.  And Ryuu's character is so much more complicated than I expected.

I just loved his route so much. I enjoyed playing it. 

Finally can we just talk about Aya. At first, I wasn't too sure if I liked her or not, but after playing Toshio's route (Can I just say, his route ALSO made me tear up, frl his route was also amazing.), I'd dump any of them for Aya. I love how she stands her ground and doesn't take sh*t from anyone.

To conclude, this game was amazing, the characters are amazing, the plot for each route, the art, ITS JUST AMAZING. 

Thank you so much for loving the game and the characters, it really makes me happy ! ❤
I'm planning on making a remake and a Fujiwara 2, I hope you'll like them as much as the current Fujiwara ! (though you'll need to be patient, it might take some time...)(^ w ^)/
Thank you again for the kind words, it made my day and means a lot for me ~

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