A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This is the game's DEMO (French version later).
>>FULL GAME HERE<< , hope you'll enjoy it ~

Aya just moved to a new little town near the mountains. Her new life as a high school freshman begins now, join her as she navigates through life and meets new people. Will she make friends or perhaps… find herself falling in love?

"Fujiwara BitterSweet"is a heartwarming slice of life with bittersweet twists!

The full game features:


❇~ more than 45k words by route

❇Happy Ends for everyone (Friend and Sweet)!

❇~15+ CGs

❇Original sprites/BGs

TW: /!\ death, swearing, drugs, possible sexual (mostly sex jokes, the other "sexual" stuff is more flirt and touching than anything) content and other sensitive subjects /!\

Don't hesitate to stop by the ❀ PATREON ❀ . There will be public posts sometimes, like public annoucement and such. Hope to see you there (^ o^)/
Oh and there is a Discord server too. Come here, come here, don't be shy~

Art & Story : Karamelow
Editing & Proofreading : Giazg
Music : Alyx (TiberAlyx)

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(25 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsCute, gxb, Otome, Slice Of Life


Fujibs-1.0-pc.zip 375 MB
Fujibs-1.0-mac.zip 358 MB

Development log


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full version when


It actually released 2 years ago, you can play it there (é o è)/
A remake is in the work though, which will contain a hopefully better writing/less confusing backstories and more content ~



I've made an account just to say how much I adore this game. 

It made me smile so many times, and even made me cry. The routes are amazing and you can clearly see how much effort you put into it, 

As a trans guy myself, seeing Haru's route made me feel so valid I even cried a little haha. The artstyle and music is lovely, I got a bunch of inspirations for background drawing! The blushing faces of the characters gave me irl butterflies in my stomach haha!

I've almost finnished all the routes and all I can really say is wow. Thank you so much for making this game and exploring the hardships of life in it. 

It is truly a fantastic game, and is now my favorite visual novel.


Thank you so much for creating an account just to comment, and thank you for the kind words as well ! I did put mu heart on it and I'm so happy you can see it ♥
I see you are writing in the Demo's comment' section, but I assume you played the full game, right ? (é o è)
If yes, I'm so relieved you liked Haru's route this much ! There was angry/upset comments on the Steam's page and I was so worried after reading them. It seem there was a big misunderstanding, mostl due to my clumsy way of writing Haru's route...
I realized the way I was presenting things might have hurt a few people in the LGBTQ+ community as I wasn't aware of it at all.
Haru is actually AMAB straight nonbinary, but goes by 'he'/'they' after the reveal (it doesn't bother him to be called either 'him' or 'they' or 'she' when he dresses as girl, although the other characters took the habit of using 'him'), but it seems I didn't write it correctly and people got hurt and misunderstood things (u___u)
I'm planning on trying my best to write him a bit better in a future version of the game to clear the misunderstanding though ! I've learned a lot of things from my mistakes and want to try to improve it !
I hope you still love Haru after reading this comment, but no matter what, I am really glad that you enjoyed the game overall !
And remember, ★ you are valid ★

I had just started playing and just finished Ikki's route and this is so cute and amusing, but mostly cute as it turns me to complete mush ( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥) This has easily become one of my favorite visual novel with such adorable yet intriguing characters and the lovely music and art ! Thank you so much for making this! Looking forward to the full version!

It's already out~ https://magicbench.itch.io/fujibittersweet-full Just has a new page. o3o



AAAAAH this was so cuteeee!! The art style was so endearing, the soundtrack was heartwarming and the story is so sweet, I'm so glad I played this and I definitely recommend this to whoever is interested in a very cute and intriguing visual novel. The characters are so nice too, they all have their own little quirks to them and I fell in love with them immediately. I'm so excited for new updates on this and such! Loved this!! <3<3<3


Thank you so much for your kind comment and feedback ! I hope you will still love them in the full release ~
Thank you for your support, it makes me super happy ! <3

Super! j'adore! J'ai même pas les mots c'est trop mignon un plus UwU Bon travaille^^

Merci ! <3
J'espère pouvoir sortir la version fr pas trop longtemps après l'anglaise histoire que les francophones ne s'impatiente pas trop x)

aaaaah this game is amazingg!!! the art is so cute and the music is also adorable!  the mc is so likable i also love ichigo omgg i cant wait for the game to be fully released <3


Thank you so much for your kind comment !
To be honest I didn't really like my own art at first, but people are sending so much love that I'm starting to like it too, so thank you! <3

And I'm glad you find the MC and Ichigo likable, hope you will still love them in the full game (soon-soon!) (^ o^)/

(1 edit)

Hi! I've played your game and joined your server. I've also made YouTube tutorial on it. Please watch that and see how it is. I'll be waiting for feedback. Link to the video is given below-


And lastly loved your game and am waiting patiently for its full release. Make us proud.

Aw thank you for taking the time to make a video and for joining the server too, it makes me really happy !

As for your video I watched it but it seems there is no sound? I don't know if it's normal x)

In any case, thank you again for your support and I hope you will like the game when it's fully released (^ o^)/

Thanks. I'll look into the video for it. And thanks for watching! 

My comment will be short because I do not know English very well (brrr writing) The game is the pure of charming (this artstyle ♥) and both the story and the characters are really interesting.
I will look forward to the full version of the game ♥

Thank you for your kind comment! ~
Don't worry for your english, mine isn't really good either. And even if your comment is short, it makes me really happy!
The game should be released this month and I hope you will enjoy the full story (^ o^)/

oh wow. I was scared all the time that the project was put on hold. I am really glad that the game will come out so soon (^ . ^)
Thank you for the quick reply (honestly I didn't expect it - it's really kind ;3) and good luck in your further development ♥

Thank you ♥


I love this game so much! It is a beautifully crafted game that made me smile the whole way. It is so sweet, and has become one of my personal favorites.

Gameplay-wise, it was really unique. It functions like a kinetic novel (no choices) for the beginning of the game, which I normally wouldn't like, but the game does an excellent job of using short scenes and a variety of fun characters to keep things interesting. Then, you get a choice of six objects, which correspond to a character's romance route, but which is which? It's fun to see which object matches which character, and your on your way on a character's route!

I got Ryu's route, which I was surprised as I didn't think he would be included as a romance-able character (I guess I didn't read this page before playing.) I was pleasantly surprised because I loved his route! It was the first VN I've played where you choose a character's route and they try to romance you instead of the other way around. (and he's adorable!!)

Lastly, there is a few mentions or hints of supernatural activities and/or backstories for the characters...  this was the icing on the cake as it added a layer of intrigue that just made the game even better! I hope these hints are expanded on in further versions of the game (or at least aren't explicitly denied!)

Thank you for downloading the demo, I'm happy you loved it so far!

I'm glad that you liked to see which item matches which character and... you might be surprised for one or two of them x)
You say that you habitually don't like kinetic novels, unfortunately, there won't be much of choices further in the story, and the few you will encounter will not have a huge impact on the routes (mainly, it will only lead you either to the Friend Route or the Sweet Route), so I hope you'll not be too disappointed because of that ;-;

Ryu seems to be people #1 so far (buuuut Toshio is catching up, somehow!) and he ended up becoming the project's mascot, for some reason xD
I hope you'll still like him after reading further in his route~

And as for the supernatural hints, it will be present in two of the routes. Although the supernatural activities will not be the main focus on the routes, it will still be an important part of their back stories.

Thank you again for your kind comment and feedback, I hope you'll still love the final version despite some points that might not fit your tastes (> w<)/


I really dig the enemies - lovers/friends trope so he caught my attention ;)) also because tsun boys are my thing haha

I got Ryu's route sadly but I'm willing to replay the game over and over until I see a snippet of tsundere Toshio 😤😤

There's things in the game that could be improved upon like the wording in some lines and I even spotted a small mistake with the names and dialogue, but I don't mind them that much since it's still in development ^^

Thank you again for downloading the demo (and loving baby Toshio!) <3
If you are loving tsun characters, I think Haru or Ikki might be good bachelors too~

As for the mistakes, I'll check it again and will do beta testing once the game is fully done, to be sure that all is okay. English isn't my native language, but I have a proofreader/editor with me, to prevent bad/clumsy sentences and all, so hopefully it will be better in the final version! (> o <)

Thank you again for your kind comment and your feedback, I'm so happy you love the game so far!

I made a comment and played this game a couple months ago. I honestly can't tell you how much I really enjoy this game. I can't wait for future updates as this game looks and feels amazing already! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see more! At this point I'm really thinking of joining the discord.

Awww thank you for posting, once again, a kind comment here! That's true I tend to update more on Discord (and Patreon), so don't hesitate to come and join us on the server (^ o^)/
I'm currently working on the french translation of the demo, and slowly but surely keeping writing Ryu's route (the last route!)
I'll be sure to post updates here on itchio, when I'll have something more exciting to announce ~
But yes, in any case, thank you again! Comments and feedback like yours always make me smile and motivate me even more <3

I love the demo! I've done everyone's route and all the characters are so interesting. I'm super excited for the full version! :D 

Haru and Ichigo are so cute I love their dynamic! Everyone's route is so good, like I can't pick a favorite. <333 

Thank you for your comment and for playing the demo~
I'm happy you like all the characters so far and can't wait to hear again about you, if ever you were able to pick a favorite after the full release (but of course, you can still come and chat even if you don't have any fav!) <3
There is a Discord server too, so don't hesitate to stop by, if ever you are curious (^ o^)/

not bad demo

a bit weird and unexpected plot, escecially in comparison to cute artstyle

some interesting people to befriend/romance. I already don't like some of them xD. Suzuki and Ichigo are my favs


Thank you ~

Yup, in truth, it's kind of fun drawing cute things with a not-so-fluffy story. I'm planning to do a remake if it way later, with more "mature" graphics.

Also... is by any chance, the one you don't like Toshio (and maybe Yuta)? I bet it is! x)
And I'm glad you like Suzuki (Haru) and Ichigo, people don't really seem to appreciate them. They need a bit of love too (>___<)

(4 edits)

seriously tho, this game is amazing. I personally believe that ichigo could use some fleshing out, though - her constant talk about BL is irritating (shallow character, is what i mean). Toshio's a jerk, and I still don't trust him, but I bet he'll turn out to be a good guy at heart. Kenji is adorable, and I want to find out what exactly happened to him.. Seems interesting. Then there's yuta, who seems a little... too nice, so im wondering if he has anything going on. BUT anyway- this story is really intriguing, and I genuinely like most of the characters. the art style is adorable, too. Thanks for making this, and I can't wait till the rest is released?

Thank you for your comment!
Yup, Ichigo is kinda annoying and I'm glad you think that as well xD She also will calm down eventually, later in the story ;)

that's good to hear! I'm really excited for character development :V


*30 seconds or so in* that went from yee haw to yee naw REAL quick


I love this game so much im wheezing. I really can't wait for a full release, even if I have to pay you can take all my money. I'm in love with the art and story. It's so cute for my loner self. I hope this will be out so next valentines I'm not crying alone. I won't rush the devs. Stuff like this is really hard. LETS WISH THIS GAME BEAUTIFUL WISHES


Thank you so much for your kind comment, it makes me really happy and I'm glad you like it so far!
I still don't have any release date, but I'll do my best for it to be done next Valentines. But I can't promise because I'm rather slow at drawing, writing the story and fixing potential bugs and errors x)
Also don't worry about the money, it will be free (I have a Patreon though, to try earning money for future projects. The link is in the game description) ~
Thank you again for your feedback and hope you will still like the story when the whole project will be released (^ o^)/

The art style is sooo cute!!! I can't wait to play every single route!!!! Well done devs it looks amazing!!

Thank you so much!
I noticed that there is still some typos in the text, but I hope it will not be too annoying, sorry about that (> o <)
The whole game still doesn't have any release date, I am super slow at writing, coding and doing the art, but I believe it will be done for September (fingers crossed, but I can't really promise).
Don't hesitate to write feedback, it always helps ~

looks so CUTE!!! Can't wait to try it out! <3 

Thank you! Happy you like the art, I hope you'll enjoy the demo (^v^)/

Hey there, I really do LOVE the art! It's absolutely enamoring :D  
I only have two things I did not exactly enjoy. First of all, I got the feeling I had little choice in shaping the character's personality. Implementing this would definitely make the game more charming than it already is :) Also, some CERTAIN CHARACTERS hahah seem pretty.... harsh. I can't really see the MC falling for them, ever, not from the part of the story told. So I think it wouldn't hurt to tone down on the extreme hostility of these guys ^^; Still, I am very curious about all of the characters and I definitely see the game has a lot of potential and can end up being a very cheerful and fun otome :D So keep going, you're doing great, and if you consider what I said, you'll do even better ^_^ And if you need some further help, don't hesitate to hmu, I'd love to support you :3

Thank you for your feedback and I'm happy you liked it so far ~
Unfortunately, yes, you can't really shape MC's personality... The story is pretty linear (maybe I should have mentioned it in the description) and I didn't plan to change it later, but I definitely take note of your feedback for, who knows, a future project ^__^
As for these harsh characters, don't worry, they will calm down eventually (>___<)
Thank you again for your comment, it's really appreciated!